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1. How strongly do you agree with this statement I don’t eat too much, even then I gain weight


2. Do you think your metabolism is slow


3. How easily do you get attracted to junk food


4. Do you crave sweets or spicy food when stressed?


5. How often do you procrastinate your workout?


6. Why do you procrastinate? (choose as many as you like)


7. How long do you procrastinate?


8. Do you agree with the following statements ‘I promise myself, I will follow the diet from tomorrow, then I break my promise”.


9. You are concerned/stressed about your health and in that stress, you eat something then you feel more guilty.


10. How strongly do you agree with the statement “I have to struggle a lot to get something.”


11. How easily do you get irritated or Angry?


12. How strongly do you agree with the statement “There are a lot of people who judge me.”


13. Most of the time I am lost


14. I have to deal with a lot of negative thoughts


15. When you look back you find you have more painful memories than Happy memories


Question 1 of 15